orion nebula

MUSTMultiplexed Survey Telescope

Dadu Culture donates and supports the MUST project at Tsinghua University to explore the vast universe together.


Tsinghua News Network, June 7th: On June 4th, Dadu Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Dadu Culture") donated to support the Multiplexed Survey Telescope (MUST) project at Tsinghua University. This donation will play a positive role in the development of the astronomy discipline, talent cultivation, and team building at Tsinghua University, promoting the construction of a world-class astronomical facility, providing strong support for further exploring the universe and advancing astronomical research.

Dong Donghua, Chairman of Dadu Culture, and Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, Wang Xiqin, Executive Vice President, and others attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Yang Bin, Vice President and Director of the Education Foundation.

blog-imageDong Donghua makes a speech

Dong Donghua stated that Tsinghua University has achieved fruitful results by upholding the school motto of "Self-Discipline and Social Commitment(自强不息、厚德载物)" and adhering to a school culture of "actions speak louder than words" and an academic style of "diligence, rigor, seeking truth, and innovation". He hopes that this donation can play a positive role in promoting the construction of a world-class astronomical observation base and a Chinese university astronomy science education base. Dong Donghua also expressed that Dadu Culture will take this opportunity to establish a sound and effective long-term mechanism to continuously support the strategy of building a strong science and technology country. He also hopes to maintain comprehensive and long-term exchanges and cooperation with Tsinghua University in the future and wishes the university even greater success.

blog-imageQiu Yong makes a speech

Qiu Yong first expressed his heartfelt thanks on behalf of Tsinghua University for Dadu Culture's donation and support. He said that on the eve of the 110th anniversary of the university, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the school for an inspection and gave high recognition to Tsinghua's work, as well as expressing his earnest expectations for the university's long-term development. Qiu Yong emphasized that Tsinghua people should have a strong sense of national pride, not only upholding the school motto of "Self-Discipline and Social Commitment" and nurturing academic excellence, but also striving tirelessly for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation while embracing the spirit of "Tsinghua with global vision and local commitment". This is Tsinghua's mission and responsibility as a world-class university, and a conscious choice in the new journey towards national rejuvenation.

Qiu Yong said that Tsinghua University is currently at an important stage of development, and this donation has three special meanings for the university's new development. Firstly, it supports basic research projects which can bring us profound reflections and promote original innovation capabilities, but its path is uncertain, and the results may take a long time to emerge, with practical value that cannot be manifested in the short term, therefore it requires more social resources investment. Secondly, it promotes the construction of talent team. The MUST project will continuously introduce outstanding talents with international competitiveness, form an academic team committed to deep research, and contribute to the project and the construction of Tsinghua's astronomical discipline. Thirdly, it helps Tsinghua's long-term development. According to the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the university is promoting strategic planning for future development, mainly including three aspects: first, formulate global strategy 2.0, seeking new global strategic development under new circumstances; secondly, improve the system of high-level talent training, provide personalized education according to individual talent characteristics; thirdly, launch the 2030 Tsinghua Innovation Action Plan, covering academic ecology construction, response to national major strategic demands, original innovation, and basic research, among which the MUST project has been included.

Qiu Yong emphasized that we should, based on the university's resources, widely attract social forces to promote the high-quality development of projects such as MUST. The Department of Astronomy should take the lead in conducting high-level research, focus on doing truly valuable things, and cooperate closely with other departments and institutions such as the Academy of Science and Technology and domestic cooperative programs, so as not to let society down and make greater contributions to the country's innovation cause.

blog-imageSign the donation agreement

blog-imageQiu Yong presented a donation commemorative plaque to Dong Donghua

At the ceremony, Dong Donghua and Yuan Wei, Secretary-General of Tsinghua University Education Foundation, signed the donation agreement. Qiu Yong presented a commemorative plaque to Dong Donghua for the donation.

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Representatives from Dadu Culture and heads of relevant schools and departments of Tsinghua University attended the ceremony. Aerospace science and technology is a strategic area in the new century research and development plan of Tsinghua University. The MUST project is considered to have the potential to make significant fundamental and original breakthroughs in many cutting-edge areas.

Submitted by: The Education Foundation Editor: Chen Xiaoyan Reviewed by: Lv Ting.